Post by Bueller555I'm surprised to see responses here. So that I don't violate the
guidelines, is there a list of local ISPs? I remember that the
Hawaiian Hard Drive publication used to have a list, but I haven't
stepped inside of a CompUSA in a long time. Is it still true that no
matter what ISP you select for DSL, you're getting Verizon/Hawaiian
Telcom service?
I went from dial-up (Hawaii Online) to Roadrunner. In Pearl City,
stuff would slow to a crawl at about 8 p.m. when I assume all the kids
began jumping online. I had the same experience where I felt that
dial-up would have been faster at those times. Over the next few weeks
and months, the speed issue got significantly better. I moved to DSL
with Verizon due to cost ($45 per mo. vs. $30). While more speed is
always nice, the DSL speed is more than adequate for my needs.
Today, I feel like the modern version of the hunter, chicken, fox, and
grain puzzle. I'm trying to figure out a way to drop my land line. I
want to port my home number to my cell phone. I rarely use the land
line, but I have my DSL and home security monitoring using the land
line. I could switch everything to Oceanic, but I'd like to later
switch to Directv for the lower cost and drop my analog Oceanic cable
service. Any ideas?
Never had any problems maxing out a connection with RoadRunner.
It seems that the other people who have replied to this thread are
experiencing difficulties because they are unable to accomplish a
simple task that involves some verbal interaction with technical
support department and a request of assistance.
Whining about a lousy connection that is slower than dialup might be
the highlight of their miserable day.
Here is a testament to download speed with RoadRunner and please take
notice of November 2005 through January 2006:
DU Meter Monthly Report
Period (Month) Download Upload Both Directions
May 2005 44.05 MB 63.54 MB 107.59 MB
June 2005 93.41 GB 7.63 GB 101.04 GB
July 2005 153.31 GB 5.87 GB 159.18 GB
August 2005 95.38 GB 3.79 GB 99.17 GB
September 2005 12.91 GB 531.53 MB 13.43 GB
October 2005 144.43 GB 6.42 GB 150.85 GB
November 2005 265.18 GB 10.48 GB 275.66 GB
December 2005 279.33 GB 10.66 GB 290.00 GB
January 2006 212.63 GB 7.88 GB 220.51 GB
February 2006 87.35 GB 3.66 GB 91.02 GB
March 2006 130.81 GB 4.78 GB 135.59 GB
April 2006 104.76 GB 4.15 GB 108.91 GB
May 2006 163.36 GB 6.26 GB 169.62 GB
June 2006 124.74 GB 4.92 GB 129.66 GB