Post by Jason ForesterSo, anything going on in Hawai'i internet?
Aside from quite the up-tick in spam loads?
Post by Jason ForesterAny clearwire users out there who would like to comment on their experience?
Seems to give a nice, 1544x256 speed test.
Although sometimes, ping/traceroute to local sites seems ... non-optimal.
Otherwise, for what I need it for, it seems to work quite well.
Post by Jason ForesterAnything else new on the way for Hawai'i consumers in terms of access?
I hear rumors of Broadband over Power, but.
And the whole free wireless could use a good look at.
Had a friend from Hilo stay at my place last night before he headed off
to China, and he fired up his MacBook, and ... there were a dozen+ open
wifi hotspots that he could have logged onto.
Aloha mai Nai`a!
" So this is how Liberty dies ...
" To Thunderous Applause.